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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Is Stephen Hawkins going to hell?

Hawking said in an interview this week that he doesn't believe in an afterlife, and he said the notion of heaven is a "fairy story."
He told the British newspaper, The Guardian: "I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers."

22 may.
Now the rapture is over, we see how an asshole God is because he left my innocent dog here to burn and suffer in Armagedon. What did he ever do to piss off God so much? There are children running around outside, maybe God decided to leave them here to make doomsday abit more spectacular, with screaming fearfull children everywhere. A doomsday simply isn't complete without it.
I survived the rapture, and so did you.

Now let's get serious, the whole rapture-scenario again failed. We have been busy with these kinds of predictions for thousands of years. It is not hard to make predictions, you say something will happen without a specific date (or something people can read into), and then you have eternity to wait for something like that to happen. Isn't that wonderful :) When something like that happens, it doesnt even mean the prophecy came true.

Humanity has this hope for dramatic events. They like to wait and fantasize about it, but when it happens, they soon realise it is not as fun as it looked inside their mind. Because fear sets in, anxiety, pain...
We don't realise how evil we are by desiring such things. We don't realise how blind we are for believing books of religion and automaticly believe the creature in the book which calls itself "god" to be good, and then we blindly follow it and worship it. It is exactly what we do in this world with our leaders. We wait for them to change things, we hope they will change things and we blame them when things go wrong.
We place them on a higher level than ourselves, while they are just living beings like us. We place them on top because we want them to make things better for us. We always look for sheppards, so we can be the sheep. This is an abusive design, programmed within many, and easy to see for yourself.
If we do not learn to take self-responsibility and realise we are equally as powerful to change things - if we dont, then things will never change and we will remain in our loops of ups and downs. For some way more downs than ups.

So doomsdays come and doomsdays go...
Here are 10 Doomsday precitions which failed to materialize:

The Prophet Hen of Leeds, 1806It seems that a hen began laying eggs on which the phrase "Christ is coming" was written. As news of this miracle spread, many people became convinced that doomsday was at hand — until a curious local actually watched the hen laying one of the prophetic eggs and discovered someone had hatched a hoax.

The Millerites, April 23, 1843A New England farmer named William Miller, after several years of very careful study of his Bible, concluded that God's chosen time to destroy the world could be divined from a strict literal interpretation of scripture. As he explained to anyone who would listen, the world would end some time between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844. He preached and published enough to eventually lead thousands of followers (known as Millerites) who decided that the actual date was April 23, 1843. Many sold or gave away their possessions, assuming they would not be needed; though when April 23 arrived (but Jesus didn't) the group eventually disbanded—some of them forming what is now the Seventh Day Adventists.

Mormon Armageddon, 1891 or earlier
Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, called a meeting of his church leaders in February 1835 to tell them that he had spoken to God recently, and during their conversation he learned that Jesus would return within the next 56 years, after which the End Times would begin promptly.

Halley's Comet, 1910
In 1881, an astronomer discovered through spectral analysis that comet tails include a deadly gas called cyanogen (related, as the name imples, to cyanide). This was of only passing interest until someone realized that Earth would pass through the tail of Halley's comet in 1910. Would everyone on the planet be bathed in deadly toxic gas? That was the speculation reprinted on the front pages of "The New York Times" and other newspapers, resulting in a widespread panic across the United States and abroad. Finally even-headed scientists explained that there was nothing to fear.
Pat Robertson, 1982
In May 1980, televangelist and Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson startled and alarmed many when — contrary to Matthew 24:36 ("No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven...") he informed his "700 Club" TV show audience around the world that he knew when the world would end. "I guarantee you by the end of 1982 there is going to be a judgment on the world," Robertson said.
Heaven's Gate, 1997
When comet Hale-Bopp appeared in 1997, rumors surfaced that an alien spacecraft was following the comet — covered up, of course, by NASA and the astronomical community. Though the claim was refuted by astronomers (and could be refuted by anyone with a good telescope), the rumors were publicized on Art Bell's paranormal radio talk show "Coast to Coast AM." These claims inspired a San Diego UFO cult named Heaven's Gate to conclude that the world would end soon. The world did indeed end for 39 of the cult members, who committed suicide on March 26, 1997.
Nostradamus, August 1999
The heavily obfuscated and metaphorical writings of Michel de Nostrdame have intrigued people for over 400 years. His writings, the accuracy of which relies heavily upon very flexible interpretations, have been translated and re-translated in dozens of different versions. One of the most famous quatrains read, "The year 1999, seventh month / From the sky will come great king of terror." Many Nostradamus devotees grew concerned that this was the famed prognosticator's vision of Armageddon.
Y2K, Jan. 1, 2000
As the last century drew to a close, many people grew concerned that computers might bring about doomsday. The problem, first noted in the early 1970s, was that many computers would not be able to tell the difference between 2000 and 1900 dates. No one was really sure what that would do, but many suggested catastrophic problems ranging from vast blackouts to nuclear holocaust. Gun sales jumped and survivalists prepared to live in bunkers, but the new millennium began with only a few glitches.
May 5, 2000
In case the Y2K bug didn't do us in, global catastrophe was assured by Richard Noone, author of the 1997 book "5/5/2000 Ice: the Ultimate Disaster." According to Noone, the Antarctic ice mass would be three miles thick by May 5, 2000 — a date in which the planets would be aligned in the heavens, somehow resulting in a global icy death (or at least a lot of book sales). Perhaps global warming kept the ice age at bay.
God's Church Ministry, Fall 2008
According to God's Church minister Ronald Weinland, the end times are upon us-- again. His 2006 book "2008: God's Final Witness" states that hundreds of millions of people will die, and by the end of 2006, "there will be a maximum time of two years remaining before the world will be plunged into the worst time of all human history. By the fall of 2008, the United States will have collapsed as a world power, and no longer exist as an independent nation." As the book notes, "Ronald Weinland places his reputation on the line as the end-time prophet of God."

Have we had enough already? Isn't it time we start to work with what is HERE on earth? The suffering that is present on our planet, created by our human installed system, and has been here for thousands of years.
If you want heaven, you will have to create heaven.
Because this world is simply the sum of all us individuals together.

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1 comment:

  1. Very interesting - I don't think SH will wind up in hell, but I think he'll be VERY SURPRISED when he dies.
